ROLE | Graphic & Web Designer


PAUL Bakery, Café & Restaurant is a 130 years French cafe known for offering its customers the “art of living French-style” via its signature menu of bread, pastries, macarons, sandwiches, and more. Opening their first branch ever in Vancouver, Canada, I worked closely with the managers and the marketing team in France to create and develop their print materials, website, and Swag merchandise.

Memorable Contributions


  • Created and developed the entirety of Paul Cafe’s website. This website is being accessed by many clients everyday to access the digital menu and also to book a table at Paul.

Print and Digital Materials

  • Designed and created a range print and digital materials, for diverse needs of the restaurant. Additionally, crafted specialized menus and offering materials tailored for unique events, ensuring a comprehensive culinary offering across various platforms.


  • Drafted and built the dielines for packaging across the board, ensuring consistency and accuracy in structural design for all products.


My task was to design and develop a one-page website for PAUL Bakery, emphasizing its history, contact information, and newsletter signup. The website needed to be engaging and user-friendly, with animations to enhance the history section. Additionally, due to COVID-19 and increased demand for online access, I was tasked with incorporating a separate menu page onto the website.


I began by crafting a clean and visually appealing one-page layout for the website, focusing on simplicity and ease of navigation. The history section was brought to life through carefully implemented animations, adding a dynamic element to the page. To accommodate the menu, I created a separate page dedicated to showcasing PAUL Bakery’s offerings, ensuring it was accessible and user-friendly for customers.

One of the main challenges was seamlessly integrating the menu page into the existing website structure while maintaining consistency in design and functionality. Additionally, ensuring the animations did not overshadow the content and remained responsive across different devices posed another hurdle.

I meticulously designed and developed the website, paying close attention to detail to ensure a seamless user experience. The animations in the history section were implemented using modern web technologies to create a dynamic and engaging visual narrative. The menu page was seamlessly integrated, providing customers with easy access to PAUL Bakery’s offerings while maintaining the website’s aesthetic coherence.

The finalized website effectively showcases PAUL Bakery’s history, contact information, and menu offerings in a user-friendly and visually engaging manner. The animations add a touch of liveliness to the page, capturing the essence of the bakery’s story. The addition of the menu page has enhanced accessibility for customers, catering to their needs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Take a look the finalized website here :


PAUL website - home page

PAUL website - menu page

PAUL website - home page (mobile)

PAUL website - menu page (mobile)

Results & Takeaways

This project highlighted the importance of adaptability and responsiveness in website design, particularly in response to changing circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It underscored the significance of incorporating user-friendly features, such as separate menu pages, to meet the evolving needs of customers while maintaining the integrity of the brand’s identity.

Print and Digital Materials


My primary responsibility was to design print menus for Breakfast/Brunch, Lunch, Dinner, and Happy Hour, adhering to PAUL branding guidelines. I utilized Adobe InDesign to craft each menu, incorporating feedback from the marketing team in France. A significant challenge was ensuring accurate spelling and finding suitable images for menu items without the opportunity for a photoshoot due to the restaurant not being open yet.

TV Menus

I also created TV menus to showcase daily combos on four screens placed above the bar. These menus highlighted breakfast, lunch, dinner combos, and café drinks, providing customers with enticing options throughout the day.

TV menu - drinks

TV menu - combos

TV menu - breakfast combo

TV menu - dinner combo

Business cards & price tags

Developing business cards and price tags for every item in the store required meticulous attention to detail. Each item included specific information such as item number, description, price, temperature, and shelf life, necessitating precision in design and layout.

Business card - front

Business card - back

Price tag - front

price tag- back


In preparation for the opening day, I designed a range of promotional swag items to be given to customers, including masks, tote bags, notebooks, and umbrellas. To emphasize the French aspect of the bakery, I incorporated iconic French symbols such as the Eiffel Tower, croissant, and ferris wheel into the designs.

PAUL notebook designs

PAUL tote bag designs

Results & Takeaways

This project highlighted the importance of attention to detail in print and digital design, as well as adaptability in finding creative solutions to challenges such as sourcing images for menus. It also underscored the significance of cohesive branding across various materials to reinforce the identity of the bakery.
